For more durable dressing. How can we reduce the amount of textile waste? Are patchwork jeans the solution to fashion's environmental problem? Interviewed by Moona Kansanen, founder and CEO of Piece Of Jeans. Kirsi Niinimäki, Professor of Design Studies at Aalto University, answers the question: What is happening to millions of kilos of textile waste?

Fashion, jeans, textile waste and recycling. As all these things have connected today and the world of the 2020s, a new fashion phenomenon has emerged in denim fashion. Namely, the patchwork trend. Patchwork jeans, pala jeans, patchworkjeans - you name it. Patchwork jeans are assembled from pieces. Piece Of Jeans does this ecologically using removal textiles, i.e. denim waste, as its material.

Fashion, jeans, textile waste and recycling. As all these things have connected today and the world of the 2020s, a new fashion phenomenon has emerged in denim fashion. Namely, the patchwork trend. Patchwork jeans, pala jeans, patchworkjeans - you name it. Patchwork jeans are assembled from pieces. Piece Of Jeans does this ecologically using removal textiles, i.e. denim waste, as its material.