Miksi puhutaan bootcut-farkuista? Mitä bootcut farkut ovat ja mistä piirteistä leveälahkeiset bootcut farkut tunnistaa? Bootcut-farkut ovat historiassa olleet niin naisten kuin miestenkin farkkumalli. Leveälahkeiset bootcut-farkut ovat vaatekaapin ja farkkutyylien klassikko.
Kuinka puuvillasta ja puuvillapelloilta kerätty raakapuuvilla valmistuu uusiksi farkuiksi? Aivan uusien "perus"farkkujen valmistus raa'asta puuvillasta tapahtuu suurelta osin halpamaissa huonoissa, epäeettisissä ja epäterveellisissä olosuhteissa. Puuvillan valmistus ja laatu heijastuu halpatuotantoon.

The origin and history of the name of the jeans is not entirely certain. Depending on the source, too. Some researchers believe that demin was the first to be woven in Nimes, France. It is thought that the name of the demin cloth would be a shortening of the words 'de Nimes'. Some of the researchers have the belief that demin was born in Genoa, Italy. The French name Genes would be the basis for the English name jeans Jeans. Some also believe demin evolved from dungaree fabric brought from India to Europe by the British in the 17th century.

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Have you ordered the product for yourself? Would you have the option to send pictures to the product portfolio on this page? You can send us pictures by email to We would also love to add your pictures to follow up the photo collage on this page. Thank you in advance!

The production of jeans in low-cost countries is one of the biggest uses of cotton cultivation. The cotton field requires a lot of water and care in the form of various pesticides and chemicals, making it one of the most water consuming and most polluting industries on earth. Unfortunately, however, the story does not end there.
The journey of jeans from cotton to the finished product involves many stages, most of which are harmful to the environment. The most harmful is the process of bleaching jeans, which requires a large amount of water and is at the same time dangerous for people who are in contact with the chemicals needed for bleaching. Read on, Did you know these facts about jeans and how to make jeans. Do you know in which country your jeans are made? In low-cost production, there is talk of an irresponsible clothing industry.