Ekologiset farkut, mitä ne on? Mikä tekee farkuista ekologiset? Farkkujen ekologisuus perustuu paljolti farkkujen valmistustapaan ja farkkujen pääraaka-aineen, puuvillan, valmistukseen. Ekologiset farkut löydät Piece Of Jeans -verkkokaupan valikoimasta. Yksi perusarvomme ja asiakaslupauksemme on olla ekologinen farkkubrändi. Ekologiseksi farkut tekee se, että farkkujen materiaali on uusiokäytettyä, jo valmistettua ja poistoon tekstiilijätteeksi joutuvia farkkuja.

Ecologically produced fashion, from where? Ecological fashion is a word and Google searches are on the rise strongly, both in Finland and globally. People are beginning to think more and more about the environmental impact of clothing, food production and travel, and that is a good thing. But if you study ecological fashion at the level of concept, then what does that ecological fashion really mean?

The production of jeans in low-cost countries is one of the biggest uses of cotton cultivation. The cotton field requires a lot of water and care in the form of various pesticides and chemicals, making it one of the most water consuming and most polluting industries on earth. Unfortunately, however, the story does not end there.
The journey of jeans from cotton to the finished product involves many stages, most of which are harmful to the environment. The most harmful is the process of bleaching jeans, which requires a large amount of water and is at the same time dangerous for people who are in contact with the chemicals needed for bleaching. Read on, Did you know these facts about jeans and how to make jeans. Do you know in which country your jeans are made? In low-cost production, there is talk of an irresponsible clothing industry.
The production of jeans in low-cost countries is one of the biggest uses of cotton cultivation. The cotton field requires a lot of water and care in the form of various pesticides and chemicals, making it one of the most water consuming and most polluting industries on earth. Unfortunately, however, the story does not end there.
The journey of jeans from cotton to the finished product involves many stages, most of which are harmful to the environment. The most harmful is the process of bleaching jeans, which requires a large amount of water and is at the same time dangerous for people who are in contact with the chemicals needed for bleaching. Read on, Did you know these facts about jeans and how to make jeans. Do you know in which country your jeans are made? In low-cost production, there is talk of an irresponsible clothing industry.
The production of jeans in low-cost countries is one of the biggest uses of cotton cultivation. The cotton field requires a lot of water and care in the form of various pesticides and chemicals, making it one of the most water consuming and most polluting industries on earth. Unfortunately, however, the story does not end there.
The journey of jeans from cotton to the finished product involves many stages, most of which are harmful to the environment. The most harmful is the process of bleaching jeans, which requires a large amount of water and is at the same time dangerous for people who are in contact with the chemicals needed for bleaching. Read on, Did you know these facts about jeans and how to make jeans. Do you know in which country your jeans are made? In low-cost production, there is talk of an irresponsible clothing industry.
Because the fabric is recycled garbage, affordable? Not exactly. Recycled materials are, in fact, one of the most challenging raw materials in the world.
Sustainable and responsibly produced fashion is on average 15-40% more expensive than cheap fashion. But why? Cheap fashion must be phased out, and the environmental impact will be reflected in prices. Learn how your jeans will affect the future of the planet, and where old jeans and clothing could be recycled instead of being thrown in the trash.